Determination and choice are two things that many people take for granted. For me, those two key players are vitally important tools in my life! Growing up with Autism, I didn’t have much “choice,” or so I thought. Even as a younger adult, I felt the same way. Then I started to figure things out, and my life began to change. I started to realize that people with disabilities could live just as much a fulfilling life as everyone else!
What started this shift in my favour was initiating the action to get an independent facilitator and to start planning for my life. One thing I gained through this was independence. Even though it was a long process, slowly but surely, I gained it.
The most important event happened when I moved to Sarnia from Walkerton, in order to go to college. This was the start of a new life. This move took a lot of time and advocacy. With the help of a couple of independent facilitators, I was able to successfully advocate for myself and make the successful transition to my new community!
The only way you’ll see a change sometimes is if you speak up loud and clear. To see a change in my life, I had to be the change.
Harv Potts is a Self-advocate and Motivational Speaker. He has recently opened his own pottery business and is loving life as an Artisan in the community of Sarnia. Harv believes that all individuals have the right to full citizenship and to pursue their dreams.